Your Etsy About page – how to make it awesome
The Etsy About page is one of the most important sections of your Etsy shop storefront. Above all, it’s a place where customers can meet you and you can start a beautiful relationship.
A great Etsy About page will share:
- What’s in it for your customer
- Why you run your business
- Who you are
- What makes you unique
- The story of how you started
- Photos of you and your workspace
- A call-to-action
So, let’s go through each of the elements of an About page here and unpick each one to establish how to create an awesome Etsy About page:
1. What’s in it for your customer?
Firstly, before you do anything else, you must tell the reader what you can do for them and why they need you.
Make it about them and the benefits to them.
Therefore, highlight why you are relevant and make it clear who you serve. Similarly, explain the value you can give to your customers.
For example, my Etsy About page for my Etsy shop focuses on the benefits that my products can bring to customers:
My mission is to help Etsy sellers like you grow your awesome online business. My products are carefully designed to inspire you to create an incredible brand, plan your business goals, and enjoy making a living doing what you love.
2. Why you run your business
Next share your “why”.
This means, explain why you do what you do. Your “why” is the belief that drives your business. In other words, what do you believe in?
For instance, what are the core principles and values of your business?
If your audience can tell you believe strongly in what you do from your Etsy About page, they will be confident that you’ve created the best possible product and they’ll want to support you by buying your products.
3. Who you are
Here your readers can find out who you are, what you care about and why they should care about your products.
Furthermore, you want to provide a friendly and approachable face to your business in your Etsy About page so that customers feel that they’ve met you and understand what drives your business.
You can show your personality and be friendly.
Certainly, share some details that are uniquely you – your secret passions, hobbies, infatuations.
Perhaps you love sky-diving or can’t live without salted caramel ice cream – in short, whatever it is that gets your pulse racing – share that.
All of these details help grow a beautiful relationship with customers and as a result your Etsy customers feel they know you well.
Therefore, by being authentic you can build a devoted following of customers who are desperate to support you and buy every single product you sell.
4. What makes you unique
In your Etsy About page highlight the ways you and your business are different to everyone else out there and show off what makes you unique.
In other words, do you offer superior customer service? Do you go above and beyond to solve problems? Are you known as an expert in your area?
Ask yourself what do your customers appreciate most about your products?
Additionally, look at your reviews and identify what it is that customers consistently refer to when leaving 5-star reviews.
To clarify, take time to determine the strengths of your business.
When you have clearly identified what you do best, celebrate this and include in your About section.
5. The story of how you started
Readers are interested to find out the story behind your business and what inspired you to do what you do.
Moreover, the back story you tell about your business attracts customers.
Stories are memorable and make your products special so customers will feel that they are buying into something special.
Tell the story in your Etsy About page of how your shop got started.
What gave you that first creative spark and what did you do about it?
Reveal the crazy things that happened. Talk about how your shop evolved from this and what you’ve overcome.
However, don’t worry about writing a Hollywood blockbuster of a story, just be natural. That said, if you find this tricky, try imagining you are chatting about your business with a new friend. How would you tell the story of your business to them?
For example, below is an extract from my About page from AbbeyGateDesigns. It’s not hugely exciting but it does clearly tell the story of how I got started:
With three small children, I was forever hosting parties: birthdays, pet birthdays, Halloween, Easter, Christmas – the list was endless. For each party, I absolutely adored spending time designing and creating the invitations. Friends then asked me if I would design invites for their parties and before long, I opened Abbey Gate Designs.
6. Photos of you and your workspace
Images can really help to connect you with your audience. Include high-resolution photos to complement your Etsy About page that show you, your workspace and behind-the-scenes snapshot.
Casual shots that allow your personality to shine through work really well as these kinds of images help your readers get to know you.
7. A call-to-action
Give your readers somewhere to go next. Some ideas might be:
- Opt-in for a freebie and join your email list
- Connect with you on social media
- Subscribe to your podcast
Why is an Etsy About page so important?
When the press or other blogs look for people to feature in their publications, they will go straight to the Etsy About page.
So – it’s super important to put effort into creating a dazzling About section as it could lead to collaboration opportunities or the chance to be featured in publications.
All of this gives you lots of lovely exposure for your business, as a result.
Grab the free Etsy About Page Worksheet here:
Create your own Etsy About page
So, now have a go at creating your own Etsy About page.
What tips do you have for writing a great Etsy About page? Share them in the comments below:
Have a look at my other posts designed to help you grow a profitable Etsy business.
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