
6 Helpful Mindset Shifts to Immediately Skyrocket Your Coaching Business

Online coach - how to sell digital coaching workbooks as part of your coaching business

In this post I want to share with you the mindset shifts I made that have transformed my digital product business. By making these simple shifts, I’ve been able to expand my reach and also multiplied my revenue. If you’re keen for a similar result, read on as I share how making a few mindset shifts can truly skyrocket your coaching business.

1. Embrace an Abundance Mindset:

The first and most essential shift is to adopt an abundance mindset. Understand that there’s room for everyone in this vast digital landscape. Instead of fearing competition, view it as an opportunity for collaboration and growth. Recognize the abundance of clients seeking help, and let go of scarcity-based thinking. By believing in the abundance of possibilities, you’ll open yourself up to creative solutions and collaborations that can skyrocket your success.

For example, when I first started, I saw other sellers as competition and felt overwhelmed that they were more successful and just better than me. With this negative mindset, I was entwined with feelings of imposter syndrome and the idea that my business would never be as good. As you can imagine, my business suffered. Therefore, I knew I had to do something. Instead of seeing other coaches as competition, I embraced an abundance mindset by reaching out to fellow coaches in my niche. We collaborated and promoted each other’s digital products, and I soon realised that by working together, we could reach a wider audience and benefit mutually.

2. Understand the Power of Scalability:

Coaching is undoubtedly a rewarding profession, but it often requires trading time for money. However, if you add a product line of digital products to your offer, you can break free from these limitations. By creating scalable digital resources like e-books, online courses, or downloadable guides, you can serve a larger audience simultaneously. Moreover, this shift allows you to use your expertise effectively, multiplying your impact and income without being bound by the constraints of time.

Before starting my MiriCampbell Etsy shop, I was trading my time for money by creating custom-made digital products. The problem with this? There was no scalability. All my time was taken up creating products that I could sell only once. Recognizing the limitations of this, I started to create Canva templates of my coaching resources that clients and customers could buy and edit themselves. Now, when I make a product, it can be sold hundreds of times.

How to make a digital coaching product or workbook for your coaching clients

3. Become More Innovative:

After setting up my first business and experiencing very few sales, I learnt that to stand out I needed to be more innovative. That is – I needed to come up with lots of ideas that weren’t conventional coaching methods. Instead, I explored different formats that suited my customers’ needs and preferences. To cater to different learning styles, I experimented with various formats for my digital products. I created video tutorials, interactive workbooks, and hosted webinars so that I could appeal to a broader range of audience. Using this innovative approach, I managed to attract new customers who preferred these different formats for driving their personal growth and development.

4. Use Tools to Your Advantage:

There are many tools that I couldn’t be without when running my everyday business. Starting out, I quickly learnt to embrace these new tools and platforms to streamline my product creation, marketing, and distribution processes. Here are some of the tools I use every day:

  • Canva – creating digital products and social media graphics
  • OneDrive – organising my files
  • Flodesk  – email marketing
  • Tailwind – social media scheduling
  • Notion – where all my ideas are recorded and organised
  • Divi – building web pages and blog posts

By harnessing technology, you can simplify your operations, allowing you to focus on what you do best: coaching and creating exceptional digital products.

Digital coaching products you can create as part of your coaching business

5. Foster a Growth Mindset:

This was probably my biggest mindset shift of all. Having a growth mindset is an invaluable asset when starting your small business. It’s so important to embrace challenges, setbacks, and even failures as learning opportunities. Furthermore, understand that every obstacle is a stepping stone to your growth. Continuously seek knowledge, stay updated with industry trends, and invest in your personal and professional development.

By adopting a growth mindset, you’ll not only refine your coaching skills but also enhance your ability to create valuable digital products for your audience.

For me, at the beginning of setting up my business, my digital products didn’t sell as well as I expected. At first, I felt frustrated. All the work I had put in and zero sales. I came very close to giving up. However, instead I tried viewing it as an opportunity to learn and improve. I collected feedback from customers, studied Etsy tutorials, improved product descriptions and photos, nailed down who my ideal audience was, and then relaunched. Through this growth mindset, I turned a setback into a valuable lesson that contributed to my future success.

6. Connect With Your Audience:

Finally, in a digital world where human connection can sometimes feel elusive, it feels lovely to make a real, genuine connection with your audience. Share your story, values, and expertise openly. Engage with your clients through various channels, such as social media platforms, email newsletters, and live webinars. Nurture a community of like-minded individuals who resonate with your message. By building authentic relationships, you’ll create a loyal following and establish yourself as a trusted authority in your niche.

Digital products for coaches to sell like workbooks and ebooks

So, incorporating digital products into my business has been a game-changer. Through the mindset shifts I’ve shared with you, I’ve expanded my reach, increased my revenue streams, and made a more significant impact on the lives of my clients. Remember, adopting an abundance mindset, embracing scalability, being innovative, using online tools, fostering a growth mindset, and cultivating a genuine connection are the keys to unlocking your business success.

What mindset shift has helped you grow your business? Share in the comments below and don’t forget to follow for more tips on growing your business.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Have a look at the other posts I have below, all packed full of tips and tricks on growing your business.

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