How to Sell Digital Products as a Coach and Enjoy a Successful Business

Why you should sell digital products as a coach

If you want to boost your coaching business as well as make some extra money online, selling digital coaching products is undeniably the perfect solution for you.

I’m going to give you the low-down on everything you need to sell digital products to help grow your coaching business. Also, if you want a bank of ready-made coaching templates for you to resell, check out my Coaching PLR Collection here.

What are digital products?


Generally, digital products are intangible products that can be sold or shared online repeatedly.

Some examples are ebooks, online courses, presentation templates and printables. Essentially, anything your coaching client can access and use online or anything they might download and print; is a digital product.


Why sell digital products as a coach?


Firstly, having a bank of products to offer to your coaching clients will be extremely valuable for your business. Not only will you generate a passive income, but your digital products will help to build client trust and loyalty for your coaching brand. When your clients are able to access professionally-designed, expert-written digital coaching resources, they will get to know you and your brand. Consequently, they will feel secure in perhaps choosing a higher-level coaching program from you or even booking a one-on-one session.

Secondly, the digital products you sell will also give you a base of security if you have a quiet coaching month. Furthermore, if you choose to take some well-deserved time off you’ll have some passive income to fall back on. Moreover, the beauty of selling digital products as a coach is that, once created, they require no effort to replenish inventory. You can reach a global audience with very little input.

So now we’ve established how valuable digital products can be for your coaching business, how do you get started?


Decide what digital product to sell.


Essentially, you know your audience and your coaching clients best, so you are in the perfect position to choose the types of digital products they will need. Therefore, give some thought to the types of digital products that will serve your clients best. For example, think of resources that will solve their problems and help them on their own coaching journeys.

With that said, to help you I have curated a list of the best digital products to sell as a coach:

20 digital products to sell as a coach


1. Coaching eBooks

Firstly, sharing your coaching expertise in an eBook creates a valuable and useful resource for your audience. People are always looking to further their understanding. Therefore, take advantage of this by creating an eBook for your specific coaching niche.

2. Social Media Templates

Next, you could create a product line of social media templates for coaches who need some help with their Instagram feeds. You could then launch these to online coaches who might be looking to boost social media engagement or build brand awareness. 

3. Printable or Digital Planners

Another idea is to create a coaching planner that your client can download and print or use digitally. You can have fun with the design and create planners that your clients will love to use.

4. Self-Help Workbooks

A self-help workbook designed specifically for the clients you usually work with would be a great asset to your digital product line. Additionally, you could fill it with self-help ideas and resources. Then you can either sell it or give it away as a way to boost your email subscribers.

5. Goal-Setting Workbooks

Overall, a big part of working with a coach is setting goals and reviewing progress towards those goals. With that said, the offer of a branded goal-setting workbook would be extremely valuable for your coaching clients.

6. Coaching Worksheets

Providing worksheets for your coaching clients that complement the work done either as part of your coaching program or one-on-one work, would be a great way for reviewing the work you’ve done together.

7. Coaching Toolkits

You could bundle together a set of printable sheets that illustrate well-known coaching tools to help your clients. Examples might include coaching tools like grounding techniques and thinking traps.

8. Affirmation Card Digital Products

Affirmation cards are resources that encourage positive thinking, calmness and confidence. Accordingly, you could create sets of downloadable cards that focus on different life areas.

9. Meditation/Mindfulness Journals

A meditation or mindfulness journal is essential for any of your clients who want to improve their overall mental health. Recording their experiences, thoughts, and emotions, undoubtedly has a positive effect on mental health.

10. Online Courses

Online courses will help you to grow your business through course subscriptions, and bring in potential leads for the other coaching services that you offer. Additionally, an online course is a valuable resource for your clients who will view you as trustworthy and knowledgeable thus securing the sale of future business.

11. 30-Day Challenges

A powerful technique to ensure that good habits permanently become part of our daily routine is the 30-day challenge. Above all, 30-day challenges can improve your clients’ careers, personal lives, health, finances, and relationships.

12. Gratitude Journals

A gratitude journal is a place to record and reflect on things that your client feels grateful for daily. The action of journaling each day rewires the brain to focus more on the positive aspects of life and build resilience for dealing with negative experiences.

13. Mental Health Posters

You can create mental health posters that illustrate important mental health principles, ideas, and techniques. Coaches and clients can download these posters, print them, and display them in their homes and offices.

14. Presentation and Slide-Deck Templates

A slide deck is a presentation deck or a pitch deck that can be used to give a coaching tutorial, tell a story or provide case studies. Different ideas can be shared with presentations using slides.

15. Coaching-Themed Lead Magnet Templates

A lead magnet is a valuable piece of content or freebie that you give to visitors to your website in exchange for information, such as their email address for access.

16. Vision Board Digital Products

A vision board is a powerful way for clients to visualise their goals for the future. It is created by collecting items such as photos, words, and quotes that visually affirm your clients’ goals and dreams.

17. Habit Trackers

A printable habit tracker will help your coaching clients to develop new habits and keep a track of their progress over a month.

18. Mood Trackers

Your coaching client can use these printable sheets to monitor and track their daily moods across a month. You can use fun graphics in your mood trackers to engage and delight your clients.

19. Coaching Cheat Sheets

Cheat sheets provide your coaching clients with a quick reference for different coaching tools and techniques. Creating a bank of cheat sheets that your client can download and print will be a great boost for your coaching business.

20. Coaching Checklists

Checklists can help your coaching clients to keep a track of their progress in between their coaching sessions. Consequently, giving your clients a bank of checklists that they can print to use at home will be a great resource for your coaching business.

Next, create your digital products


Once you’ve decided the types of digital products you will offer, you can create your products. Remember, it’s important to create well-designed digital products because these products will represent you as a coach and reflect your overall brand.


The best way to create these high-quality digital products


If you have lots of time and design skills, you can create these yourself using an online design tool like Canva. Alternatively, if you lack time and/or skills you can choose to buy digital products to resell. You can get done-for-you digital products with resell licences from my Profitable Coach Lab membership here. 


What are digital products with resell rights?


A quick and effective way to stock your coaching business with digital products is to consider using a PLR licensed product. PLR stands for “Private Label Rights” and means you get a licence to resell the digital products and templates. In particular, you can edit the content, add your own branding, and then sell it or give it away. However, finding quality PLR products for a coaching niche is not always easy. There are many poor, substandard products on offer so you will need to do your research to find a source that provides good quality resources that are created specifically for coaches.

Next, launch your digital product


Now you have your digital product ready to sell or share, you can launch it and promote it to your audience.


10 places to promote your digital products


1. Sell digital products on online marketplaces

Online marketplaces are websites like Etsy, Creative Market or Amazon where customers can purchase products from multiple sellers. Essentially these marketplaces are set up to help you sell your digital products. You can create enticing product photos and descriptions to pull in customers. However, bear in mind that when someone views your listings, they’ll see your listings displayed alongside your competitor’s products. Usually, the marketplace will take a cut of your profits in exchange for providing you with the platform to sell your digital products. Some, like Shopify, enable you to create your own storefronts customised with your own branding.

2. Promote and sell your digital products on social media

A great way to make digital product sales is by sharing your digital products on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Thanks to the large size of these social media audiences, you’ll be able to boost your coaching brand awareness as well as directly drive sales.

3. Promote digital products with Pinterest

Pinterest shows content to users depending on what the algorithm believes they will like. This is great for your business because, when you create a Pin to promote your digital products, Pinterest will show this to people who are looking for that specific product. Even better – your Pin is evergreen. Specifically, that means that it is always out there working for you, bringing in customers and clients to your coaching website and online store.

4. Share your digital products as part of your coaching program

As part of your coaching program, you can offer digital products like cheat sheets, checklists, worksheets, and workbooks to complement your main coaching content. Ensure that your digital products are well designed and expertly written, and you’ll soon have a queue of enthusiastic coaching clients who are loyal to you and your coaching brand.

5. Make your digital products available as part of a membership

A bank of valuable coaching digital products available as part of your membership will attract coaching clients. This will also help to boost your membership subscriptions. Monthly membership income is more predictable and reliable than waiting for individual sales, which can vary greatly from month to month. Furthermore, if you continue to feed your membership with high-quality digital products and coaching tools, your members will be happy to stay with you and your coaching membership.

6. Share your digital products from your blog

To promote your digital products, you’ll need people to visit your site so they can be wowed by the awesome coaching resources that you offer. One way to do this is through blogging. Blog posts are great because they provide content that Google can search. Also, with a blog, you can build a loyal audience who will be happy to buy your digital products.

7. Sell digital products from your website

One of the best ways to promote and sell your products is through your own website. There are many website builders that you can use to build your own coaching website like Wix and Squarespace. To really hook in your client, you might want to create a landing page. This is a standalone web page that encourages visitors to take one specific action – for example – to buy your digital product.

8. Share your digital products with your email subscribers

Client confidence is vitally important when selling digital products, therefore you want to stay in constant contact with your audience and nurture a positive relationship with them. With that said, email is the perfect way to achieve this. You can focus on what your coaching clients need and desire and then design automated email campaigns to deliver these things. When you do this right, you’ll keep clients engaged, happy and keen to buy from you.

9. Promote your digital products with your YouTube channel

Create a branded YouTube channel and build trust in your coaching brand with your own coaching videos. Along the way, you can promote and talk about your digital products as well as your other coaching services and memberships.

10. Promote your digital products using your podcast

A coaching podcast is the perfect way to nurture your audience so that they are ready to buy from you. What’s more, you can record a series of podcasts delivering valuable content that is relevant to your followers. After that, as you build client trust and confidence, you can then start to promote your digital product line and coaching services.

Get a head start creating digital products for your coaching business


How would you like a collection of coaching templates, already done for you?

I’ve created the Coaching PLR Collection especially for you to save you lots of time. After all – time is one of our most precious things as business owners. The collection gives you access to professionally-designed coaching templates coupled with PLR licences so you can resell them. Find out more here.

Hi, I’m Miri!

I am dedicated to helping coaches like you, design and build profitable online coaching businesses that give you the freedom to live the life you love.

I have a Master’s degree in Psychology, I’m a member of the British Psychological Society and I have over 20 years coaching and teaching experience. Since 2016, I’ve been building a successful, profitable online business designing and selling coaching resources and templates. Therefore, I know first hand how profitable selling coaching templates can be and I want to share all my secrets with you. Now you too can enjoy the flow of passive income that comes from selling digital coaching products online.

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Hi, I’m Miri

I help coaches like you, build and grow profitable online coaching businesses that give you the freedom to live the life you love.