Create Printable Products That Sell
If you create printable products for your Etsy shop, you want to know they are going to sell.
Choosing the right products to sell is essential for the success of your Etsy business so it’s important to get this right from the beginning. Therefore, to help you with this, I’ve put together a shortlist of effective ways to identify the best products and create printable products that sell for your Etsy shop.
So, let’s get started with number one…
1. Why do you want to create printable products for your Etsy shop?
Firstly, you should consider your why. Why have you chosen to create printable products? Why do you want an Etsy shop? What is your motivation? It won’t work if making money is your only goal because customers are quick to spot this and will run a mile.
That said, if you spend any time browsing through successful Etsy shops, you’ll see that those Etsy sellers who are making the most sales are really passionate about what they do. They create printable products that they absolutely love. They know that their printable products enhance their customers’ lives. These sellers are committed to focusing on the value their product gives their customers.
2. Create printable products you and your customers are passionate about
3. Identify a customer pain point or solve a problem
4. Read customer reviews on existing products
5. Use keywords to find product ideas
The golden key to success is find search phrases for products that are high in volume but low in competition. You can then make products based on what people are searching for. There are many tools such as Marmalead and Google’s free keyword planner to help you find search phrases and keywords. You can also visit my post How to Find Keywords for Etsy SEO where I talk about how to find keywords in more detail and give you some tools to help you.
6. Look at what is trending
For inspiration, look on online marketplaces to see what’s popular and what your customers are buying. Stay up to date with trending products by looking at websites like Amazon and eBay. On these sites browse through lists like: Hot New Releases, Movers and Shakers, Most Wished For to find those products that are popular and trending.
Erank.com and Craftcount.com have data which you can use to work out what is selling on Etsy.
The top sellers list is especially interesting as it lets you drill down to the top sellers in your category. You can then visit these top-performing shops to see what products are particularly popular.
On Etsy: Try doing a quick search on Etsy for your proposed product and see what comes up.
Look at how many results there are.
As you do this exercise, don’t feel put off by the amount of competition. Competition is actually good. It shows that there is a market for what you are choosing to sell.
Instead focus on:
- What could you do to improve the items that popped up?
- How could you make a similar product and make it stand out?
- What could you do to add additional value so that your audience want to buy the product from you rather than your competitor?
- How could you make your product photos stand out?
- What could you do differently?
7. Go more niche
It’s true what they say – there are riches in the niches – oh yes!
With a niche you can fulfil a unique need and reach loyal, interested customers more easily. Even though a niche might be relatively narrow with fewer customers, you can slash your competition and serve a focused target audience.
So, if you find your product has too much competition then consider combatting this by becoming more niche specific.
For example, a shop that provides party invitations for all celebrations could narrow down to serve parents-to-be who want to host baby showers.
Now, go create printable products
So, you have identified what products you’d like to make for your shop and taken the first step in creating something worth selling.
Now, you will need to consider the time and the tools you’ll need to make this product.
Brainstorm everything you will need to create your product.
Think about the expenses of your materials, tools, subscriptions etc.
And then make your product. Yay!
I would love to hear what product you decide to make to fill your Etsy shop shelves. Please drop me a line below to tell me what you are going to create. I’m so excited to hear from you…
Need some help with growing your Etsy business? I have a guide for you which lays out step-by-step everything you need to do to have a profitable Etsy shop. Subscribe below to grab your own free copy.